Tuesday, November 01, 2005

"Here come de judge! Here come de judge! Order in the courtroom, here come de judge!"

Clearly, Karl Rove is back at the helm in the White House. It's astounding to me that a Friday 2 PM press conference concerning "Scooter" Libby's indictment and the ongoing investigation of the Valerie Plame CIA leak is already openly referred to as "last week's news" thanks to the Monday AM announcement of the new pick of the litter for the Supreme Court. It's like the old Pigmeat Markham routine (mass-marketed to country bumpkins like me in the mid-60s on Rowen & Martin's Laugh-In quoted above. Are we really as a country such a bleating pack of sheep??


  1. <"Scooter" Libby's indictment and the ongoing investigation of the Valerie Plame CIA leak is already openly referred to as "last week's news" thanks to the Monday AM announcement of the new pick of the litter for the Supreme Court.>

    And don't forget the $7 billion bird flu plan that bought Bush a few more hours of news diversion.

    Thank God for Harry Reid, though!

  2. Agreed, Dan -- what's most hypocritical about Bush's $7+ billion avian flu "take charge of the situation" speech yesterday is the active role he and his Administration have had in dismantling the very social service infrastructure necessary to such a program.

    For the Republicans to angrily dismiss the closed-door session on the investigation of Iraq War intelligence as a "stunt" is rich, given Monday and Tuesday's (no doubt Rove-orchestrated) attempts to look like Bush is "doing something" after the debacles and disasters of the past two months.

  3. Agreed overall, Brummbar, but I'd rather my President be a rake who can't keep his dick in his pants than the incompetent at best and sociopathic and criminal at worst Prez and Administration we now have. The Republicans have lorded over every branch of government for five years now, and in almost every avenue brought the country to the brink of disaster.

    It's no longer a matter of some of us aching for a regime change: it's necessary and essential.
